Grab The Ultimate Kindergarten Math ENDLESS BUNDLE JUST $97! ($550 VALUE)!
Save big time with this huge, year-long bundle!
The Ultimate Kindergarten Math ENDLESS BUNDLE includes all my kindergarten math activities, centers, and worksheets (printable and digital).
This is an ENDLESS BUNDLE. Endless meaning that all Kindergarten Math Products that MyNerdyTeacher creates in the future will be added to this bundle. Lock in this amazing price.
This bundle includes my best-selling resources with over 7,000 teacher reviews! Check out this incredible value included in this bundle.
Read what real teachers have said:
- Elaine S. said, “My students loved using this resource. They were engaged in the resource and had no trouble getting started. It didn't take much time to prepare the resource.”
Cindy M. said, “This resource is jam packed full of amazing activities for my Kindergarten students. I especially like to pull these resources to incorporate them into my daily centers. I highly recommend this product!”
Theresa O. said, “I am so excited to use this resource! I struggle to find resources that are appropriate for the wide variety of learners in my classroom. This bundle allows all of my students to do the same engaging craft while practicing math skills on their individual levels.”
- Rachel S. said, “Such seasonal fun!!!!! My students loved using this in my small group intervention! I was easy to use and very engaging!! Super resource! Very helpful for review and reinforcement!”
The Ultimate Math and Literacy Bundle for just $19 ($200 VALUE)
- Math and Literacy Bundle for Preschool (1,000+ pages, one set for each month valued at $60):
- Math and Literacy Bundle for Kindergarten (700+ pages, one set for each month valued at $40):
- September: Back to School / Fall
- October: Halloween
- November: Thanksgiving
- December: Christmas
- January: Winter
- February: Valentine's Day
- March: St Patrick's Day
- April: Easter
- May: Spring
- June: Summer / End of the School Year
- Digital Math and Literacy Centers for Kindergarten (8,000 slides, 30 centers for each set - valued at $50)
- September: Back to School / Fall - preview
- October: Halloween - preview
- November: Thanksgiving - preview
- December: Christmas - preview
- January: Winter - preview
- February: Valentine's Day - preview
- March: St Patrick's Day - preview
- April: Easter - preview
- May: Spring - preview
- June: Summer / End of the School Year - preview
- Count the Room BUNDLE (330 pages. 11 themes, students can practice counting using images and ten frames - valued at $20) - preview here
- BONUS 1: Alphabet Practice Worksheets (26 pages, valued at $5)
BONUS 2: Sight Word Review Worksheets for More Advanced Students
- BONUS 3: Seasonal Directed Drawing with Writing Prompts (160 pages, 40 directed drawing images with 4 writing options
The Ultimate Numbers 0-20 Bundle just $19 ($150 VALUE)
- Printable Worksheets: Numbers 1-10 (300 pages, 30 pages for each number - valued at $20)
- Printable Worksheets: Numbers 11-20 (300 pages, 30 pages for each number - valued at $20)
- Printable Number Centers (1000 pages, 63 printable centers - valued at $50)
- Digital Number Centers (650+ slides - valued at $50)
- Color by Number Sense Printables (19 holidays & 4 seasons included - valued at $50) - preview here
BONUS 1: Color by Number Addition Year Long Bundle - valued at $20
BONUS 2: Color by Number Subtraction Year Long Bundle - valued at $20
- BONUS 3: Editable Color by Code Year Long Bundle - valued at $20 - preview here
Kindergarten Morning Bins - YEAR LONG - GROWING BUNDLE
Each month will include:
24 math, literacy, fine motor centers, and so much more.
students direction page
material list
- 240 centers in total (for the year-long bundle)
Months already included:
- August + September (Back to School, Apples) INCLUDED NOW
- October (Fall, Bats, Spiders, Pumpkins) INCLUDED NOW
- November (Turkeys, Fall, Leaves, Fall Festival) INCLUDED NOW
- December (Gingerbread, Hot Chocolate, Winter) INCLUDED NOW
January (Winter Animals, Winter, Snowman, Penguins ) - INCLUDED NOW
- February (Space, Hearts, Friendship, Bears) - INCLUDED NOW
- March (Spring, Weather, Rainbow) - INCLUDED NOW
- April (Garden, Flowers, Insects, Garden, Frog, Bugs, Bunnies)
- May ( Bees, Ice Cream, Garden)
- June (Ocean, Summer)
perfect for Prek, Kindergarten, 1st grade (mostly used in Kindergarten)
you can use them for morning work, early finishers, centers, and more
black and white version included
The Ultimate 2D & 3D Shapes Bundle just $19 ($100 VALUE)
- 2D Shape Worksheets Bundle - 214 pages (valued at $20)
- 3D Shape Worksheets Bundle - 164 pages (valued at $15)
- 2D Shape Printable Centers - 20 centers, 254 pages (valued at $20)
- 2D Shape Printable Centers - 17 centers, 140 pages (valued at $15)
- Digital 2D Shapes Centers 430 slides (14 Google Slide Decks) (valued at $15) - preview here - preview here
- Digital 3D Shapes Centers 400+ slides (13 Google Slide Decks) (valued at $15) - preview here
- 2D Shape Posters & 3D Shape Posters
2D Shapes Included: trapezoid, circle, heart, pentagon, parallelogram, octagon, rhombus, crescent, square, star, oval, triangle, hexagon, rectangle.
3D Shapes Included: pyramid, rectangular prism, cone, hemisphere, triangular prism, cylinder, cube, sphere.
Math Crafts YEAR-LONG MEGA BUNDLE K-4th Grade
Addition up to 10
Addition Fill in the Missing Number to 10
Subtraction up to 10
Subtraction - Fill in the Missing Number to 10
Add or Subtract Numbers up to 10
Fill in the Missing Number Add or Subtract Numbers up to 10
Addition up to 20
Addition up to 20 - Fill in the Missing Number
Subtraction up to 20
Subtraction up to 20 – Fill in the Missing Number
Add or Subtract Numbers up to 20
Add or Subtract Numbers up to 20 - Fill in the Missing Number
Place Value up to 20
Count Blocks up to 20
One More One Less
Counting to 100 - One More One Less
Counting to 100 - 10 More 10 Less
Compare Numbers to 100
Addition and Subtraction: Multiples of Ten up to 100
Double Digit Addition Without Regrouping - Sums to 100
Double Digit Addition With Regrouping - Sums to 100
Add a 2 Digit Number to a One-Digit Number - Without Regrouping
Add a 2 Digit Number to a One-Digit Number - With Regrouping
Counting Forward to 1000: x, ___
Compare Numbers to 1000
Subtract 2-Digit Numbers - Without Regrouping
Subtract 2-Digit Numbers - With Regrouping
Add and Subtract Numbers - Up to 100
Complete the Addition or Subtraction Sentence - Up to 100
3 Digit Addition Without Regrouping - Sums to 1000
3 Digit Addition With Regrouping - Sums to 1000
3 Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping - Sums to 1000
3 Digit Subtraction With Regrouping - Sums to 1000
Multiplication up to 5
Multiplication up to 10
Multiplication up to 12
Multiply One-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers
Division Facts by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
Division Facts by 6, 7, 8, and 9
Division Facts up to 12
BUNDLE Activities and Games for Google Slides for Kindergarten
- FEBRUARY: Valentine's Day (900 slides, 27 instant decks - math and literacy)
- MARCH: St Patrick's Day (870+ slides, 25 instant decks - math and literacy)
- MAY: Spring (970+ slides, 25 instant decks - math and literacy)
- APRIL: Easter (1000+ slides, 25 instant decks - math and literacy)
- JUNE: Summer (950+ slides, 30 instant decks - math and literacy)
- SEPTEMBER: Back to School
- OCTOBER: Halloween (1100+ slides)
- NOVEMBER: Thanksgiving (1000+ slides)
DECEMBER: Christmas (30 digital activities, 950+ slides)
JANUARY: Winter (35 digital activities, 1100+ slides)
54 Place Value Crafts + Bulletin Boards YEAR LONG BUNDLE
What’s included:
- place value craft
- bulletin board letters
Morning Work - Decodable Words, Sentences and Word Problems to 10
Included in this resource are 30 worksheets filled with:
- CVC Words - Short u
- Decodable word sentences
- Addition word problems
- Math strategy practice including number line, bar models, number bonds, and fill-in-the-blank
Phonics Skills Included:
- CVC Words - 30 pages
- Blends and Digraphs - 30 pages
- CVCe Words - 30 pages
- R Controlled Vowels - 30 pages
- Vowel Teams - 30 pages
- Diphthongs - 30 pages
- Color by Number Addition and Subtraction Year Long Bundle
- 3D Shapes Math Games and Activities for Google Slides
- 2D Shapes Math Games & Activities for Google Slides
- Telling Time Activities for Google Slides: Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour 5 Minute
- 3D Shapes in Real Life Puzzles
- 2D Shapes in Real Life Puzzles
- Numbers Puzzle 1-30
- Dab a Dot Numbers 0-100
- Numbers 1 to 10 Spot & Dot It
- Number Dough Mats 1-20
- Color by Number Sense Numbers 1-10
- Color by Number Sense Worksheets Teen Numbers
- Digital Math Games and Activities for Google Slides 21-30 Winter Math Centers
- Editable Color by Code & Color by Number Sense - Year Long Bundle
- Addition Facts Mini Books
- Subtraction Facts Mini Books
- Numbers Mini Books
- Color by Number - Year Long Bundle
- Kindergarten Spiral Review - Year-Long Bundle
- Decodable Word Problems Addition and Subtraction