Set 1: 1050+ Dough Word Mats (Color and Black and White)
- Short Vowels: short a, e, i, o, u, Nasal a, mixed short vowels
- Floss Rule
- -all, -oll, -ull
- ck /k/
- Digraphs: sh, th voiced, th unvoiced, ch /ch/, wh /w/
- nk, ng
- L Blends, R Blends, S Blends, Mixed Beginning Blends, Mixed Ending Blends
- Long Vowels - CVCe Words: a_e /ā/, i_e /ī/, o_e /ō/, e_e /ē/, u_e /ū/, /yū/
- _ce /s/, _ge /j/
- -es
- -ed /d/ /t/ /ed/
- -ing
- Compound Words
- tch /ch/, dge /j/
- Long VCC: -ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost
- y /ī/, y /ē/
- -le
- R Controlled Vowels: ar /ar/, or /or/, ore /or/, er /er/, ur /er/, ir /er/, w+or /er/
- Vowel Teams: ai / ay, ee / ea/ ey, ,oa /ō/, ow /ō/, oe /ō/,ie /ī/, igh /ī/
- Other Vowel Teams: u /oo/, oo /oo/,oo /ū/,ew /ū/, ui /ū/, ue /ū/,au /aw/, aw /aw/, augh /aw/,ea /ĕ/, a /ŏ/
- Diphthongs: oi /oi/, oy /oi/, ou/ow /ow/
- kn /n/, wr /r/, mb /m/
- Suffixes & Prefixes -s/-es, ,-er/-est,-ly,un
- Suffixes Spelling Changes Doubling Rule –ed, -ing
- Suffixes Spelling Changes Doubling Rule –er, -est
- Suffixes Spelling Changes Drop –e Rule
- Suffixes Spelling Changes -y to i Rule
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